Varsity Division , Regular Season

Tahoe Prep Academy


1 2 3 T
Tahoe Prep Academy 0 4 1 5
JSerra Lions 0 2 2 4

JSerra Lions


Shots on Goal

Team 1 2 3 Total
Tahoe Prep Academy 7 10 14 31
JSerra Lions 1 6 11 18

Power Plays

Tahoe Prep Academy 2-9 18
JSerra Lions 2-6 34

1st Period Summary

TimeTeamScoring DetailScore
TimeTeamPenalty Detail
1:45 JSerra Lions Jacob Brunelle: Cross-Checking - Minor (0:0)
2:39 Tahoe Prep Academy Jared Shuter: Roughing - Minor (0:0)
5:08 JSerra Lions Michael Pellegrino: Holding - Minor (0:0)
6:21 JSerra Lions Will Griswold: Interference - Minor (0:0)
7:25 Tahoe Prep Academy Jack Birecki: Cross-Checking - Minor (0:0)
10:05 JSerra Lions Jacob Brunelle: Hooking - Minor (0:0)
12:17 JSerra Lions Kerry Coughlin: Too Many Men on the Ice - Minor (0:0)
13:34 JSerra Lions Blake Reed: Tripping - Minor (0:0)

2nd Period Summary

TimeTeamScoring DetailScore
1:17 JSerra Lions Jake Hager Goal (power play)
Assists: Blake Reed , Jacob Brunelle
TPA 0 - JS 1
2:40 JSerra Lions Jacob Brunelle Goal (power play)
Assists: Michael Pellegrino
TPA 0 - JS 2
5:31 Tahoe Prep Academy Matthew Odom Goal (power play)
Assists: Blake Selden , Alan Austria-Garcia
TPA 1 - JS 2
8:46 Tahoe Prep Academy Zach Dill Goal (even strength)
Assists: Jared Shuter , Erik Larsson
TPA 2 - JS 2
15:50 Tahoe Prep Academy Alan Austria-Garcia Goal (even strength)
TPA 3 - JS 2
16:36 Tahoe Prep Academy Jack Birecki Goal (power play)
Assists: Jordan Finney , Matthew Odom
TPA 4 - JS 2
TimeTeamPenalty Detail
0:00 Tahoe Prep Academy Noah Dahlen: Roughing - Minor (0:0)
2:25 Tahoe Prep Academy Adam McGill: Holding - Minor (0:0)
3:36 JSerra Lions Will Griswold: Unsportsmanlike Conduct - Minor (0:0)
3:36 Tahoe Prep Academy Erik Larsson: Unsportsmanlike Conduct - Minor (0:0)
5:04 JSerra Lions Chris Tatomir*: Slashing - Minor (0:0)
16:27 JSerra Lions Michael Pellegrino: Interference - Minor (0:0)

3rd Period Summary

TimeTeamScoring DetailScore
0:11 JSerra Lions Blake Reed Goal (even strength)
Assists: Michael Pellegrino , Jacob Brunelle
TPA 4 - JS 3
5:06 JSerra Lions Jacob Brunelle Goal (even strength)
Assists: Blake Reed
TPA 4 - JS 4
9:48 Tahoe Prep Academy Jared Shuter Goal (even strength)
Assists: Erik Larsson
TPA 5 - JS 4
TimeTeamPenalty Detail
2:45 JSerra Lions Derek Monroe: Roughing - Minor (0:0)
2:45 Tahoe Prep Academy Chase Sechrist: Unsportsmanlike Conduct - Minor (0:0)
7:40 JSerra Lions Chris Tatomir*: Boarding - Misconduct (10:00)
7:40 JSerra Lions Chris Tatomir*: Boarding - Minor (0:0)
13:02 Tahoe Prep Academy Erik Larsson: Slashing - Minor (0:0)
17:00 JSerra Lions Blake Reed: Unsportsmanlike Conduct - Minor (0:0)
17:00 Tahoe Prep Academy Chase Sechrist: Roughing - Minor (0:0)
17:00 Tahoe Prep Academy Zach Dill: Unsportsmanlike Conduct - Minor (0:0)

Tahoe Prep Academy


# Name G A PIM GWG
4 Jordan Finney 0 1 0 0
8 Noah Dahlen 0 0 2 0
10 Blake Selden 0 1 0 0
11 Jared Shuter 1 1 2 1
13 Erik Larsson 0 2 4 0
18 Chase Sechrist 0 0 4 0
19 Zach Dill 1 0 2 0
21 Jack Birecki 1 0 2 0
22 Roan Linvill 0 0 0 0
27 Matthew Odom 1 1 0 0
37 Zack Savarise 0 0 0 0
43 Carter McPherson 0 0 0 0
44 Alan Austria-Garcia 1 1 0 0
71 Jordan Labbe 0 0 0 0
84 Adam McGill 0 0 2 0
87 Bryce Margolis 0 0 0 0
Totals: 5 7 18 0


# Name Min Sh Sv Dec
31 Indigo Kinzey 11:54 5 5 WIN
35 Radek Hunsinger 39:06 13 9 0
Totals: 51:00 18 14 0


# Name Signature

JSerra Lions


# Name G A PIM GWG
2 Luke Spencer* 0 0 0 0
4 Jack Dwyer 0 0 0 0
5 Jacob Brunelle 2 2 4 0
6 Kerry Coughlin 0 0 2 0
9 Shane Gilbert 0 0 0 0
10 Danny Pillette* 0 0 0 0
11 Chris Tatomir* 0 0 14 0
12 Jake Hager 1 0 0 0
19 Jake Allison 0 0 0 0
22 Will Griswold 0 0 4 0
25 Liam Dauphinee 0 0 0 0
26 Blake Reed 1 2 4 0
42 Andrew Scalia* 0 0 0 0
44 Michael Pellegrino 0 2 4 0
48 Derek Monroe 0 0 2 0
67 Riley Fenn 0 0 0 0
97 Conor Clarke* 0 0 0 0
Totals: 4 6 34 0


# Name Min Sh Sv Dec
1 Jack Ferletic* 51:00 31 26 LOSS
30 Ricky Bradley 0:00 0 0 0
Totals: 51:00 31 26 0


# Name Signature

1st Period -- Scoring: None. Penalties: Brunelle, JS (Cross-Checking, Minor, 2 min) 1:45; Shuter, TPA (Roughing, Minor, 2 min) 2:39; Pellegrino, JS (Holding, Minor, 2 min) 5:08; Griswold, JS (Interference, Minor, 2 min) 6:21; Birecki, TPA (Cross-Checking, Minor, 2 min) 7:25; Brunelle, JS (Hooking, Minor, 2 min) 10:05; Coughlin, JS (Too Many Men on the Ice, Minor, 2 min) 12:17; Reed, JS (Tripping, Minor, 2 min) 13:34. Goalie Changes: None.

2nd Period -- Scoring: JS - Hager Goal (power play) (Reed, Brunelle) 1:17; JS - Brunelle Goal (power play) (Pellegrino) 2:40; TPA - Odom Goal (power play) (Selden, Austria-Garcia) 5:31; TPA - Dill Goal (even strength) (Shuter, Larsson) 8:46; TPA - Austria-Garcia Goal (even strength) 15:50; TPA - Birecki Goal (power play) (Finney, Odom) 16:36. Penalties: Dahlen, TPA (Roughing, Minor, 2 min) 0:00; McGill, TPA (Holding, Minor, 2 min) 2:25; Griswold, JS (Unsportsmanlike Conduct, Minor, 2 min) 3:36; Larsson, TPA (Unsportsmanlike Conduct, Minor, 2 min) 3:36; Tatomir*, JS (Slashing, Minor, 2 min) 5:04; Pellegrino, JS (Interference, Minor, 2 min) 16:27. Goalie Changes: None.

3rd Period -- Scoring: JS - Reed Goal (even strength) (Pellegrino, Brunelle) 0:11; JS - Brunelle Goal (even strength) (Reed) 5:06; TPA - Shuter Goal (even strength) (Larsson) 9:48. Penalties: Monroe, JS (Roughing, Minor, 2 min) 2:45; Sechrist, TPA (Unsportsmanlike Conduct, Minor, 2 min) 2:45; Tatomir*, JS (Boarding, Misconduct, 10 min) 7:40; Tatomir*, JS (Boarding, Minor, 2 min) 7:40; Larsson, TPA (Slashing, Minor, 2 min) 13:02; Reed, JS (Unsportsmanlike Conduct, Minor, 2 min) 17:00; Sechrist, TPA (Roughing, Minor, 2 min) 17:00; Dill, TPA (Unsportsmanlike Conduct, Minor, 2 min) 17:00. Goalie Changes: Kinzey, TPA 5:06.

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